Lawn Care for Bermuda Grass

Published on: September 24, 2019

Bermuda grass is popular for lawns as it offers a beautiful, lush lawn that is hearty and resilient. However, even though it is known for being drought-tolerant and able to handle moderate traffic, it does require special care. If you know how to care for your Bermuda grass, you will get better results from your lawn. Here are some tips to care for your Bermuda grass to keep it looking spectacular.

Mowing Specifications

To keep your Bermuda grass healthy, you want to maintain the right mowing schedule and techniques. Grasses vary on how they respond to mowing, so knowing the right cutting methods for Bermuda grasses can help you get the best results. Grass blades should be kept about 1 ½ to 2 ½ inches in height, mowing frequently. You should never allow the grass to get too long where you need to cut more than a third of the blade. Bagging is not usually required due to the frequent cutting.

Watering Needs

Bermuda grass does not need too much water – overwatering can be detrimental to the growth. Instead, complete a thorough watering once a week, allowing the soil to become saturated about six inches deep. Then, only irrigate as needed.

Fertilizing and Weed Control

Use a nitrogen fertilizer for your Bermuda grass throughout the growing season. For weed control, use pre-emergent herbicides in the spring to protect your lawn, but avoid using herbicides more than three times per season.

Tailoring your lawn care to your grass type is important. One of the benefits of hiring a professional lawn care service is having an expert to provide the right care for your lawn. If you want the best lawn care for your Bermuda grass, considering hiring a pro for your lawn maintenance.

Posted on behalf of:
Champion Lawn Care
Alpharetta, GA 30022
(770) 649-0818

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