Finding the Right Drainage Solution for Your Property

Published on: May 1, 2015

Do you have soggy, wet areas on your property due to poor drainage? Excess water can ruin your lawn, create pest problems and even harm your home’s foundation. There are several ways to improve the drainage on your property to evenly distribute rainfall and prevent damage to your home and lawn. To fix the problem, you need to find the right solution to remedy the cause of the excess water. Here are a few common problems and drainage solutions:

Poor Grading

If the grade on your property is causing water to pool, you may need to have your property leveled to promote better drainage. A professional landscape company can carefully level the soil on your property to reduce water pooling in low areas.

Water Streaming

High areas on your property can cause water to stream, eroding your soil and causing damage to your landscaping. One solution to streaming water is to install a French drain that allows the water to be evenly distributed, reducing erosion problems.

Low, Pooling Areas

Water collecting in low areas needs a proper place to drain to avoid attracting mosquitoes and other pests. Dry wells, drainage ditches and French drains can all help to relieve these pooling issues.

Eroding Hillsides

If water flow is destroying your slope or hillside, adding a retaining wall can brace the soil and prevent further erosion. Tiered retaining walls on a hill can help manage drainage while creating areas for planting.

Do not let poor drainage ruin your property or home. Call a local landscape company that specializes in drainage solutions to find the best option for your property.

Posted on behalf of:
Lane Landscaping
Alpharetta, GA
(770) 609-4510

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