Is Zoysia the Best Choice for Your New Sod?

Published on: October 8, 2017

If you are planning to upgrade your lawn with new sod, choosing the right grass type is essential. Zoysia is one of the most popular options in grass for a professional-appearing, thick lawn. However, even though this a great choice for those wanting a lush lawn, it is not always the right option for everyone. Here are a few things you should know about installing Zoysia sod for your new lawn.

  • Zoysia creates thin, soft blades that are thickly produced. This creates a very lush lawn that many find appealing. It is often so thick that it will naturally reduce weeds, not allowing them to come in through the heavy growth.
  • Zoysia grass tends to grow slow, which is great for low maintenance. They may need less mowing than other types of grasses.
  • Traffic-resistance is one of the reasons Zoysia grass is so popular for golf courses. If you have kids or pets that like to play in your yard, Zoysia sod may be a good choice.
  • If you have a lot of shade in your yard, Zoysia may not perform as well. This grass likes direct sun and does better with less shade.
  • For Zoysia to flourish, you want a well-drained soil. If you have areas in your yard that do not drain well, you may need better drainage if you want to use Zoysia grass.

Before you decide whether to choose Zoysia sod for your new sod installation, talk with your landscaper that will be installing your sod. They can inspect your lawn and give you advice on whether Zoysia or another grass type is best for your needs.

Posted on behalf of:
Pannone’s Lawn Pros & Landscaping
Cumming, GA 30041
(678) 294-0351

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