How to Upgrade Your Landscaping with Shrubs

Published on: February 12, 2019

Does your landscaping design lack depth? A lush lawn and flower beds are beautiful, but they can appear dull without shrubs, bushes or trees for height. Strategically placed shrubs can give your landscaping a new look and have other added benefits. Here are some ideas on how to upgrade your landscaping with shrubs and hedges.

Edge Your Lawn

Shrubs, privacy trees or hedges are a lovely way to edge your lawn or property. A hedge across the front of your property or privacy shrubs along the perimeter can create a border for your lawn. Not only do they create a defined area, they can add a natural fence for your yard. This can deter trespassers and block the view for security and privacy.

Focal Foliage

Shrubs are perfect for adding some focal foliage around entrances and walkways. Placing a shrub on either side of your porch steps creates an appealing entrance for your home. The height of bushes and shrubs creates a more balanced landscape design, adding dimension for yards that are lacking different levels of focal objects.

Seasonal Color

Many shrubs and bushes have the added benefit of seasonal flowers. Lilacs, rhododendrons and Rose of Sharon are all beautiful options for bringing blooms to your yard. These bushes also attract birds, bees and butterflies that add brilliance to your yard.

Not sure which shrubs will thrive in your region? Contact your local landscaper. They can discuss the best options in shrubs, bushes, privacy trees and hedges for your area and help you redesign your landscaping. You can enjoy the beauty and benefits of shrubs that will upgrade the style of your yard.

Posted on behalf of:
Champion Lawn Care
Alpharetta, GA 30022
(770) 649-0818

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