Non-Toxic Tips for Green Lawns and Gardens

Published on: March 27, 2013

Herbicides are regularly used in products that combine them with fertilizers. Using these chemicals can cause run off that has a chance to seep into available ground water, especially if the soil around your home is porous in nature. The reason that weeds move onto your lawn is when it encourages the growth of those weeds instead of normal grasses. You want a healthy lawn that can survive periods of drought and other diseases.

Promoting your lawn’s health is done through regular mowing and watering. Let your grass grow between 2 to 3 inches, since taller grass encourages deeper root growth. Watering your lawn once a week in the early morning hours is best.

When tending to your flower beds, several inches of mulch is a good way to tamper down weed growth until those plants grow tall enough to shade the ground around them. It’s not advised to use mulch around trees, shrubs or bushes because it can encourage pests to gather there. Consider using shredded grass and leaves as mulch, because they encourage natural soil health as they decompose.

Weeds like to grow between stones used to pave paths and patio areas, and for cracks and openings in concrete or other paved areas. You can keep these weeds in check is by using an acidic spray that will kill the visible part of the plant. You can also use commercial sprays made with ingredients like vinegar, lemon juice, oils from thyme or orange peels, or even boiling water for weed control. Remember that regular, repeated treatment of weeds is best way to manage weeds in the long run.

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