Fall Clean Up for Your Yard

Published on: July 15, 2019

Spring may be time for deep cleaning the home and even your outdoor areas, but fall is another opportunity to spruce your property. After summer is gone and the vegetation changes seasons, it is important to perform a final clean up in your yard before winter. Here is a checklist to complete on your outdoor areas to ensure it is ready for the cooler months ahead.

Trim and Prune

Many shrubs, bushes and other perineal plants or trees need trimming to stay healthy and prevent overgrowth. Rose bushes and other shrubs need can be trimmed and pruned one last time before winter. This is a good time to remove any dead branches and limbs from trees and shrubs to reduce the mess and damage when winter storms roll in.

Rake and Remove Debris

Once the leaves have all fallen, raking away all your dead leaves, berries and other debris is important to keep your lawn healthy. If you have a compost area, this debris will help make fodder for fertilizer for spring. Otherwise you will need to haul away your debris to a local compost area or dump.

Mulch and Protect

Once the yard is cleaned up, you want to protect your plants and features. Perform winterizing on water features, irrigation and pools as needed. You will also want to add mulch around trees, bushes and shrubs to protect their roots during the winter months ahead.

Fall cleanup can be quite the chore. If you want to make it easier on yourself, contact a local landscaper for fall cleanup service. They can perform the needed maintenance and haul away your leaves and other debris, leaving your yard neat and ready for the winter ahead.

Posted on behalf of:
Pannone’s Lawn Pros & Landscaping
Cumming, GA 30041
(678) 294-0351

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