Protecting Your Landscaping From Your Dog

Published on: October 12, 2014

Dogs love to dig, and no area as inviting to bury that bone than the soft planting soil used in landscaping and garden areas.  They also love to nibble on plants or dig them up, creating the potential for further damage. You love your dog, but you also love the beautiful lawn you’ve worked so hard to maintain. Fortunately, there are some solutions to ensure that your planting areas are kept safe for Fido so you can enjoy both your pets and your plants. 

Safe Options To Repel Dogs From Landscaping

There are a few ways to deter dogs away from your planting areas while still maintaining a beautifully landscaped yard. You want to use methods which still allow you to enjoy the beauty of your yard, while teaching your dog that your plants are not their chew toys. Some options which have worked to keep dogs away from garden areas include: 

  • Spraying. Dogs do not care for the smell or taste of vinegar, making it a safe substance to spray on your plants. It can also repel insects, which can be beneficial for your plants and pets. Apple bitter is another option for spraying plants and areas you want your dog to stay away from.
  • Sprinkle. Another option is to sprinkle spices that dogs do not care for on or around your plants. Cayenne, red pepper or dry mustard are great spices for deterring dogs from digging or chewing in your garden.
     Flowers. Another way to get dogs to stay away from your prized plants is to use plants they do not like. Dogs don’t care for marigolds or their scent, so planting them between and around other plants can be a pretty way to keep Fido away.
  • Prickly plants. For year round protection, prickly plants that surround your garden areas can keep you dog out of these spaces. However, they can be prickly to humans too! 

If all else fails, you may need to erect fencing around garden areas to keep your pup out of them. Talk to your landscape contractor about solutions they recommend, including fencing, to protect your precious plants from your precious pooch! 

Posted on behalf of Find Local Landscapers

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