Landscaping a Sloped Front Yard

Published on: September 24, 2019

If your home sits atop a steep slope or hill, your front yard may be difficult to landscape. The traditional lush lawn and hedges will not work well on a hill, requiring more creative options for your front yard. Here are some ideas to make the most of your sloped front yard, creating a look that is beautiful and easy to maintain.

Retaining Walls for a Terraced Entrance

To make the hill easier to landscape, consider adding retaining walls to break up the hill and create terraces for planting. This can create a gorgeous entrance to your home and add to the curb appeal with floating gardens.

Forego the Groundcover

Forget using grass or ground cover for a steeply sloped front yard – it is likely to erode and difficult to maintain. Instead, you can plant shrubs, tall grasses and interesting plants spotted over the slope, along with boulders to cover the hillside.

Stunning Stairs

If you want a walkway from the street level, you will need a safe stairway for your guests. There are many options, from natural stone steps made from flagstone to a sturdy wooden stairway with handrails to create a passable walkway up the hill.

Rocks and Waterfalls

Skip the plants and adorn your front yard hill with granite or other stone work if it matches the style of your home. You can even add a waterfall that uses gravity to trickle down your hillside for a stunning front yard statement.

Landscaping steep slopes and hills can be tricky, but if done right, you will have a unique front yard for your home. To find the best landscaping design for your sloped front yard, consult a local landscaping professional to explore all the options.

Posted on behalf of:
Lane Landscaping
Alpharetta, GA 30004
(770) 609-4510

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