Efficient Summer Lawn Watering Techniques

Published on: July 6, 2012

Good watering techniques will help your lawn tolerate the hot summer weather and stay healthy all year long.  In hot, dry summer conditions the lawn will go dormant if it does not get enough water.  One option is to allow the lawn to go dormant, but you run the risk that some of the lawn will die off if extended drought conditions last too long.

Keeping the lawn green all summer means setting your irrigation sprinkler system properly to minimize water loss, promote deep watering, and minimize threats of disease.  Many homeowners make the mistake of setting their sprinkler systems to water a little every day.  This leads to shallow root growth and disease problems.  In addition, as much as half of the water can be lost to evaporation.

Less frequent, more thorough watering will promote deep root growth, minimize evaporation losses, and help avoid disease. Turf grass lawns need about one to two inches of water per week to remain green and healthy.  Use a rain gauge to keep track of how much water has been applied to the lawn.  This will also help you take into account local rainfall to avoid overwatering.  Too much water can be as harmful as too little water.

Watering at night can conserve water, but it makes it easier for diseases to move in.  Watering in the afternoon wastes a lot of water due to evaporation.  Early morning is the best time to water.  Less water will be lost to evaporation, water will have the opportunity to penetrate deeply into the soil, and the surface of the lawn will dry out and help prevent formation of diseases.

Your lawn care professional can help you set up an efficient watering schedule to keep your lawn looking great all summer.

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