Benefits Of Creating A Xeriscaped Yard

Published on: November 21, 2013

Many home and business owners are looking for ways to conserve water and other natural resources, creating less waste and damage to the environment. One way to do this is through xeriscaping, a type of landscape design that is focused on reducing water waste. Most xeriscape yards will not have the traditional lawn, but instead will be designed using local indigenous plants that have similar water requirements. When done with a creative eye, these yards can be beautiful and compelling, while being a “green” alternative to a traditional lawn.

Xeriscape Benefits

Beyond saving water, one of the main benefits of using xeriscaping in landscaping, there are other benefits as well. Some of these include:

–        Time savings. Most xeriscapes take less time to maintain than other landscape designs. A little weeding and pruning is all that’s needed in most cases, along with the minimal watering requirements.

–        Use less energy/fuel. Xeriscaping generally requires no mowing or edging, saving on the electricity or gas used to fuel traditional lawn maintenance equipment like mowers and weed eaters. This also reduces pollution.

–        No fertilizers or pesticides. Using plants that grow naturally in the region eliminates the need to fertilize and use pesticides. This saves money, time and reduces the impact on the environment.

For those seeking a beautiful yard that’s better for the environment, xeriscaping is a perfect solution. A professional landscaper can help create a design that is aesthetically pleasing while still using xeriscaping techniques. Along with being a “green” choice, in the long run it can also save money and time. The end result will be a yard that enhances property values, with low maintenance and less stress on the environment.

Posted on behalf of Joe Archer, Mobile Joe’s Landscaping


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