Are You Guilty of These Three Landscaping Crimes?

Published on: March 3, 2014

Landscaping Crime 1 – Too Much

An excessive amount of lawn ornaments in your front yard, or on your property often serve as a serious distraction from your landscape’s natural beauty.

The next time you’re considering a new lawn ornament, ask yourself…

  • Where am I going to place it?
  • Why am I putting it there?
  • How does it fit within your landscapes overall design?

Landscaping Crime 2 – Too Short

Contrary to popular opinion, shorter grass doesn’t equal less lawn mowing. Nevertheless, many property owners attempt to reduce their lawn mowing time by cutting their grass shorter (too short).

Lawns are hurt when grass is cut too short. Scalping your lawn often results in dry, unattractive bare patches. These patches create an “open invitation” to various bugs and diseases.

The best lawn care solution is varying the length of your lawn/grass based upon the time of the year. Lawns typically require more shade during the summer months. Therefore, it’s usually a good idea to let your grass grow a bit longer during the summer to help it better retain water.

Winter time is an opportunity for you to trim your grass a bit shorter. This allows sunlight to more easily enter your lawn’s soil.

Landscaping Crime 3 – Not Family-Friendly

Many home and property owners get swept away while creating a theme for their landscape. Beauty and aesthetics are often all that is on their mind.

Functionality is too often a mere afterthought. Nevertheless, it’s important for you to consider how you and/or your family are going to make use of certain areas of your landscape. For instance, families with small children might not choose to add a rock garden to their landscape.

Posted on behalf of Champion Lawn Care

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